Sunday 9 March 2014


What is hearing? Hearing allows you to hear sounds and noises. You need to keep your ear wax in your ear so it can block all of the water and bugs and all kinds of other stuff. Decibels are the measurementof your sound if the sound goes higher you will only be able to listen to it for a less amount of time E.X 85 decibels you are allowed to listen for 8hours 89 decibels you are allowed to listen to for 4hours but if it is 160 decibels you are going to be deaf straight away. Inside your ear you shouldn't put anything in your  ear unless your doctor tells you to other wise you can put somthing through your ear drum by accident but luckily they grow back but they won't be as good as the first ear drum.

By Cassius


  1. Hey Cassius
    Thanks for sharing the info on hearing. It was very informative.
    I hope you wear your earmuffs when you're outside & the lawnmower is going
    Rosie (Cam O's mum)

  2. That is so cool boom will show pop how to visit the blog. Well done you. Love nanny coco

  3. that was cool boom there were some facts that I didn't now there
